Interview: Dr. Z talks with Kirsten Imani Kasai about midlife, passion, and being a rebel {Part 2}

Interview: Dr. Z talks with Kirsten Imani Kasai about midlife, passion, and being a rebel {Part 2}

Kirsten Imani Kasai Making the macabre beautiful, one story at a time. Author of The House of Erzulie. Website: www.KirstenImaniKasai.comInstagram: @MehetebellyTwitter: @KirstenIKasai Dr. Z sat down with Kirsten Imani Kasai who is a 50+ rebel, beloved teacher, author, and creative. We discussed Kirsten’s journey to midlife, her passions, and being a rebel. Read Part 2 of…

Changing the Narrative of Men Being Inherent Leaders: Part III of a Three-Part Series

Changing the Narrative of Men Being Inherent Leaders: Part III of a Three-Part Series

The first two parts of this series focused on the seven lessons women can teach men about leadership (to read the first two parts, click here for part one and click here for part two).  In our culture, the predominant story is men are “natural born” leaders because that’s what we see.   What if we…

No Women Allowed

Where Are the Women Leaders?

If you were to believe the current narrative, there aren’t women leaders.  In my first leadership class, at University of San Diego, there wasn’t any mention of women leaders. NOT ONE! The usual suspects, including Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy were glorified.  However, half of the population was…

Woman holding her shirt up to show her belly with the words "out of order" written over her stretchmarks


Long ago, and before dating apps, there were personal ads. Through newspapers and magazines, those who were single (or not) or ready to settle down (allegedly) took out personal ads. So, let’s say I decided to go old school and take out a personal ad for friendship, here’s what mine would say: Invisible Middle-Aged Woman—Married,…