Over almost six decades on this planet, I’ve allowed you to call me names.
When I was born, you said, “Oh, she’s the oldest, too bad she’s not a boy.” You called me insignificant.
When I was a between the ages of six and eleven, you said, “It’s the 60s, man, free love. Peace.” You called me an object.
During my adolescence, I fought back. I called you a drunk. You said, “Whatever is yours is mine until you’re 18.” You called me “a one-way chick.”
In high school, I controlled my body and lost weight. You said, “You must be a size 2.” You called me a body.
In my 20s, I graduated from college with my BS and MS. I married, had two babies, and worked full time. You said, “Wow, you have it all.” You called me by whatever role you saw me fit. I wasn’t myself, instead you labeled me as a WIFE, MOTHER, EMPLOYEE, SISTER, DAUGHTER, FRIEND, etc.
In my early 30s, I divorced. You said, “What did you do? You must have done something.” You called me stupid, a manhater, a whore, and more.
In my 40s, I remarried and had another baby. You had opinions. You said things and I ignored them.
Now in my 50s, I’m going to tell you what you can’t and can call me.
Stop calling us:
- Old
- Hag
- Ugly
- Irrelevant
- Bitch
- Ma’am
- Matron
- Of a certain age
- Granny/grandma
- Karen
- Crone
- Witch
- Boomer
- Over the hill
- Old bag
So, for the most part, you ignore us. When we do get your attention, it’s negative.
YOU no longer have the power to make us invisible or to tell our story.
YOU are allowed to refer to us as:
- Sage
- Equal
- Queen
- Leader
- Resilient
- Role model
- Goddess
- Powerful
- Mother as in Earth
- Strong
- Intelligent
- Bitch
- Independent
- Ally
- Badass
- Mentor
- Courageous
- Witch
- Fighter
- Inspirational
- Teacher
- Ageless
- Supporter